Saturday, June 12, 2010

Keeping Me Honest #1

Last week I made a plan to get back on track for my resolution to exercise consistently.  As promised, I'm checking in to keep myself accountable.

REPORT:  I followed the plan except I missed Friday's workout.  Dinner and hanging out the entire family (mom, dad, sister, nephew & niece) doesn't happen often so I'm not going to beat myself up for missing that one day.  I think being with your family and making memories is as important as exercising; one benefits the soul while the other helps the body.

I have to be honest -- knowing that I was going to have to write this post did compel me on a few occasions to get up and exercise.  Without the accountability, in the past I would have gently let myself off the hook and would have told myself, "You'll make it up tomorrow".  Problem is that didn't work, but this week worked because:
  1. I had a plan.  I may not have followed it to a "T", but having a plan helped because I knew what I had to do and when I had to do it. 
  2. I felt accountable which motivated me to follow the plan.
  3. By mid-week, I felt that my fitness plan for the week could have been more challenging.  I want to push myself to do more.
So, here's the plan for this week:
  • Sunday - 30 minutes cardio & 10 minutes stretching
  • Monday - 30 minutes cardio (speed intervals) & 20 minutes strength training
  • Tuesday - 30 minutes cardio & 10 minutes stretching
  • Wednesday - 10 minutes stretching
  • Thursday - 30 minutes cardio (incline intervals) & 20 minutes strength training
  • Friday - 30 minutes cardio & 10 minutes stretching
  • Saturday - 30 minutes cardio & 20 minutes strength
I'll check back next week and let you know how the more challenging workout plan went.

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