Sunday, June 6, 2010

Getting Back on Track

Confession:  I haven't kept my New Year's resolution to exercise consistently.  For a few weeks at a time I've been on track, but for the most part my fitness regime has stopped and sputtered too many times.  Would anyone blame me, if I just bailed out and tried again on January 1, 2011? 

Problem is I won't let myself off the hook that easily.  I hate setting goals and never reaching them.  Saying that I'll do something only to realize sometime later that it is still left undone.  So, instead of giving up, I am recommitting myself to this resolution.  Call me crazy, but maybe this resolution thing can work as long as I don't give up trying!

I've made a plan:
  • Sunday - 30 minutes of cardio
  • Monday - 30 minutes of cardio (speed intervals)
  • Tuesday - 30 minutes of strength training
  • Wednesday - rest day
  • Thurday - 30 minutes of cardio
  • Friday - 30 minutes of cardio (incline intervals)
  • Saturday - 30 minutes of cardio & 20 minutes of strength training
Total Cardio - 150 minutes
Total Strength Training - 50 minutes

I don't know if this plan will work, but I don't think it will hurt.  I'm going to see how this works out for me this week.  To keep me accountable (which I really need), I'll let you know next week how this exercise plan worked for me and what adjustments I need to make.

So, tell me...have you given up on your New Year's resolution?  Why don't you make a game plan on how to tackle your goal and put it to work?  To me, trying to succeed is a lot better than living with the guilt of having given up.

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