Sunday, June 20, 2010

Keeping Me Honest #2

If I had to give myself a grade for following my fitness plan for last week, I would give myself a "B". I missed two days - Wednesday and Friday.

What I have learned the last two weeks is:
1. Making a plan and then working a plan works and is the way to attain success.
2. You do not have to follow the plan exactly to succeed. Perfection is not the goal, progress is.
3. Focus on the achievements. It's a lot easier for me to beat myself up for not following a plan exactly, but that doesn't benefit me at all. By choosing to focus on the positive, I stay motivated.
4. Accountability is necessary. Without it, I would make excuses and quit challenging myself.

I'm going to continue making and following a fitness plan weekly, and I'll check in periodically for an update to keep myself accountable.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Keeping Me Honest #1

Last week I made a plan to get back on track for my resolution to exercise consistently.  As promised, I'm checking in to keep myself accountable.

REPORT:  I followed the plan except I missed Friday's workout.  Dinner and hanging out the entire family (mom, dad, sister, nephew & niece) doesn't happen often so I'm not going to beat myself up for missing that one day.  I think being with your family and making memories is as important as exercising; one benefits the soul while the other helps the body.

I have to be honest -- knowing that I was going to have to write this post did compel me on a few occasions to get up and exercise.  Without the accountability, in the past I would have gently let myself off the hook and would have told myself, "You'll make it up tomorrow".  Problem is that didn't work, but this week worked because:
  1. I had a plan.  I may not have followed it to a "T", but having a plan helped because I knew what I had to do and when I had to do it. 
  2. I felt accountable which motivated me to follow the plan.
  3. By mid-week, I felt that my fitness plan for the week could have been more challenging.  I want to push myself to do more.
So, here's the plan for this week:
  • Sunday - 30 minutes cardio & 10 minutes stretching
  • Monday - 30 minutes cardio (speed intervals) & 20 minutes strength training
  • Tuesday - 30 minutes cardio & 10 minutes stretching
  • Wednesday - 10 minutes stretching
  • Thursday - 30 minutes cardio (incline intervals) & 20 minutes strength training
  • Friday - 30 minutes cardio & 10 minutes stretching
  • Saturday - 30 minutes cardio & 20 minutes strength
I'll check back next week and let you know how the more challenging workout plan went.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Getting Back on Track

Confession:  I haven't kept my New Year's resolution to exercise consistently.  For a few weeks at a time I've been on track, but for the most part my fitness regime has stopped and sputtered too many times.  Would anyone blame me, if I just bailed out and tried again on January 1, 2011? 

Problem is I won't let myself off the hook that easily.  I hate setting goals and never reaching them.  Saying that I'll do something only to realize sometime later that it is still left undone.  So, instead of giving up, I am recommitting myself to this resolution.  Call me crazy, but maybe this resolution thing can work as long as I don't give up trying!

I've made a plan:
  • Sunday - 30 minutes of cardio
  • Monday - 30 minutes of cardio (speed intervals)
  • Tuesday - 30 minutes of strength training
  • Wednesday - rest day
  • Thurday - 30 minutes of cardio
  • Friday - 30 minutes of cardio (incline intervals)
  • Saturday - 30 minutes of cardio & 20 minutes of strength training
Total Cardio - 150 minutes
Total Strength Training - 50 minutes

I don't know if this plan will work, but I don't think it will hurt.  I'm going to see how this works out for me this week.  To keep me accountable (which I really need), I'll let you know next week how this exercise plan worked for me and what adjustments I need to make.

So, tell me...have you given up on your New Year's resolution?  Why don't you make a game plan on how to tackle your goal and put it to work?  To me, trying to succeed is a lot better than living with the guilt of having given up.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Beginning

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived a beautiful lady who lived in an extraordinary land.  Now this lady was soft spoken, compassionate and kind, but she is no weakling.  When circumstances warrant, she exhibits steely resolve, passion and perservance.  She refuses to become a victim of her circumstances.  In essence, our lady is a Steel Magnolia.

Now our Steel Magnolia several years ago dipped her toe into the blogging world at Rebecca's Reflections, where she journals lessons she has learned in her spiritual walk.  But there was a problem . . . our Steel Magnolia wanted more.  She wanted a place where she could express the other facets of her life and personality, meet new friends and have fun.  So, this desire became an idea, and today the idea becomes a realtiy with the launch of this blog, Confessions of a Steel Magnolia

Now before you get the wrong idea about our Steel Magnolia, her confessions will be rated G.  Our Steel Magnolia does not kiss and tell nor does she spread gossip about others.  Instead, you will learn what makes our Steel Magnolia tick and how she makes it through life without losing her sanity!

So without further ado, let's get started, and may we all live happily ever after!